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Official Transcripts. If the download period has expired, a new PDF transcript must be requested. Official Colorado School of Mines paper transcripts can be picked up at the Registrar's Office in the Ben Parker Student Center building, Suite E280. Transcripts can be picked up Monday through Friday during normal business hours. EMAIL WEB ACCESS. Mines email accounts can be accessed via web browser. To access your account, click the appropriate link below: Click here to log in to your Mines MyMail account; Click here to log in to your EXCHANGE e-mail account (For faculty and staff only) * Remember to use adit in front of your username for Outlook Web logins. Its hard to find a job from Colorado School of Mines if you are not planning on aerospace career or a petroleum career. That is the one down side to Mines that its so super specialized in geology, mechanical engineering and chemical processing. I might choose CU Boulder over Mines for EE majors.(if you are in state) But visit both, to be sure. Zipcar at Colorado School of Mines Need to pick up dorm room furniture? Ditch campus for a weekend? Or hit the closest mall? Use the map to find Zipcars near Colorado School of Mines. Address, neighborhood, or zip. Vehicle Type This is a selection of the cars we have at this location.

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This is a list of free and open-source software for geophysical data processing and interpretation. The list is split into broad categories, depending on the intended use of the software and its scope of functions.

Notice that 'free and open-source' requires that the source code is available. Simple being 'free of charge' is not sufficient—see gratis versus libre. The reader interested in freeware (just free of charge) software is referred to the list of freeware geophysics software.

Reflection seismic processing packages[edit]

These are full-featured reflection seismology processing packages, with support for modeling, imaging, and inversion. They are relatively low-level and in some cases have their own data formats and involve learning an extensive syntax or meta-language.

Madagascar[1]Multidimensional data analysis including seismic processingSergey Fomel and othersGPLCross-platformC, C++, PythonProgramming Interfaces to Fortran 77, Fortran 90, Python, Java, MATLAB, Julia.
FreeUSP[2]Seismic processingAmoco, BPCustomUnix, LinuxFortran 77, C
FreeDDS[3]Seismic processingAmoco, BPCustomUnix, LinuxFortran 77, CGeneric format (SEGY, SU, SEPlib, USP)
PSEIS-OSS[4]Parallel seismic processingRandy SelzlerGPLUnix, LinuxFortran 77, CGeneric format (SEGY, SU, SEPlib, USP, Madagascar)
CWP/SU (Seismic Unix)[5]Seismic processingStanford, Colorado School of MinesBSD-styleUnix, Linux, OS X, Cygwin 32C, some Fortran 77World's most widely used (82 countries and territories).
CPSeis[6]Seismic processingConocoPhillipsMITCross-platformFortran 90, C++
SPARC[7]Seismic processingARCOGPLCrayFortran
SEPlib[8]Seismic processingStanford UniversityCustomCross-platformFortran, C
GeBR[9]Seismic processingVarious contributors, BrazilGPLLinuxCInterfaces with SU, Madagascar, etc.
OpenSeaSeis[10]Seismic processingBjorn Olofsson, now property of the Colorado School of MinesBSD-styleLinux, Windows, OS XC, C++, JavaInterfaces with SU data. Reads most common SEGY and a subset of SEGD formats.

Reflection seismic processing utilities[edit]

These packages offer some subset of functionality of the full processing packages in the previous section.

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BotoSeis[11]Seismic processingWilliams Lima, BrazilGPLCross-platformJavaWorkflow builder; interfaces with SU, Madagascar, etc.
Delivery[12]Bayesian inversionCSIROGPL, BSD-styleCross-platformJava
GSEGYView[13]Display SEG-Y filesVladimir BashkardinGPLCross-platformFortran, C
GPLib++[14]Seismic and magnetotelluric processingMax Moorkamp, Dublin Inst. Adv. StudiesGPLUnix, LinuxC++
JavaSeis[15]Pre-stack seismic I/OARCOCPLCross-platformJava
kogeo[16]Geophysical analysis and visualizationUniversity of HamburgGPLWindowsC++
Mines JTK[17]Signal processing and displayDave Hale, Colorado School of MinesCPLCross-platformJava
JRG[18]Modeling and basic processingJohn Louie, University of NevadaCustomCross-platformJava
Jive3D[19]Modeling and tomographic inversionJames Hobro, University of CambridgeCustomUnix, LinuxFortranGMT and other libraries
PySIT[20]Imaging and inversionRussell Hewett & Laurent Demanet, MITBSD 3-clauseUnix, LinuxPython
SegDSee[21]Display SEG-D and SEG-B filesSergey PavlukhinCustomCross-platformC++, Qt
segyio[22]Read and write SEG-Y filesStatoilLGPLCross-platformC, Python
Segpy[23]Read and write SEG-Y filesRob Smallshire, Thomas Mejer HansenLGPLCross-platformPythonFork of defunct SegyPY
segy-py[24]Read SEG-Y filesKurt Schwehr, GoogleCustomCross-platformPythonVarious FOSS packages
SeismiGraphix[25]Read and view SEG-Y, SEG-D, Seismic Unix and Javaseis. View and remap headersAbel SuraceCustomCross-platformJava
SIOSEIS[26]Seismic reflection and refraction processingPaul Henkart, SIOBSDCross-platformgfortran, gcc
SLIMpy[27]Processing front endFelix Herrmann, Univ. of British ColumbiaLGPLCross-platformPythonInterfaces with SU, Madagascar, etc.
WaveletExtractor[28]Well-tiesCSIROGPL, BSD-styleCross-platformJava

Nonreflection seismic processing utilities[edit]

ObsPy[29]Seismology toolboxMoritz Beyreuther et al.LGPLCross-platformPythonUses Numpy and Cython
PAMGUARD[30]Passive acoustic monitoring for marine mammalsMultiple workersGPLLinux, Windows, OS XJavaPlug-in-able
SCEC Broadband Platform[31]Ground Motion SimulationSCEC Community Modeling EnvironmentApache 2LinuxPython, C, FortranUses Numpy and SciPy
Sesarray[32]Signal processing for ambient vibrationsJoseph Fourier University, University of PotsdamGPLLinux, Windows, OS XC, C++Includes geopsy (signal processing) & dinver (inversion)
Seismic Handler[33]Signal processing for earthquakesSZGRFGPLLinux, SolarisC, Python
STK[34]Signal processing for earthquakesDominique ReymondGPLUnix, Linux, WindowsC
TauP[35]Travel-time & ray-path calculationUniversity of South CarolinaGPLCross-platformJava
smartRefract[36]Refraction seismic interpretationSimone PittalugaGPLCross-platformJavaBased on GRM (Palmer)

Modeling and inversion packages[edit]

devito[37]Symbolic finite difference engine, including seismic modeling and inversionFabio Luporini, Matthias Louboutin, et al.MITCross-platformPythonUses Numpy and SymPy
Fatiando a Terra[38]Geophysical modeling and inversionLeonardo Uieda et al.BSDCross-platformPythonUses Numpy and Cython
PyGMI[39]3D interpretation and modelling of magnetic and gravity dataPatrick ColeGPLCross-platformPython
SimPEG[40]Simulation and Parameter Estimation in GeophysicsRowan Cockett et al.MITCross-platformPythonUses Numpy and SciPy
pyGIMLi[41]Geophysical Inversion and Modelling LibraryCarsten Rücker, Thomas Günther, and Florian WagnerApache 2Cross-platformPythonUses Numpy
OCCAM1DCSEM[42]An Inversion Program for Generating Smooth 1D Models from Controlled-Source Electromagnetic and Magnetotelluric Data.Kerry Key, SEMCGPLCross-platformFortranOptional plotting and editing routines are in Matlab.
2DMT[43]Occam's inversion for 2D magnetotelluric (MT) modelingSteven Constable et al., SEMCUnclearCross-platformFortranOptional plotting and editing routines are in Matlab.
empymod[44]Full 3D electromagnetic modeller for 1D VTI mediaDieter WerthmüllerApache 2Cross-platformPythonUses Numpy and SciPy
extrEMe[45]Accurate and scalable 3-D MT forward solver based on a contracting integral equation methodM. Kruglyakov, A. Geraskin, A. Kuvshinovmodified GPL 2Cross-platformC#
GIEM2G[46]Gnu Integral Equation Modeling in ElectroMagnetic GeophysicsMikhail Kruglyakov, Lidia BloshanskayaGPL 2Cross-platformFortran
gprMax[47]Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) 3D modellingAntonis Giannopoulos, Craig Warren, et al.GPL 3Cross-platformPython, Cython

Visualization, interpretation, analysis packages[edit]

OpendTect[48]Geoscience interpretation and visualizationdGB Earth SciencesGPL or customCross-platformC++Interfaces with Petrel, Madagascar, GMT, Google Earth/Maps
GeoTriple for Oil&Gas Exploration[49]Geoscience data management, display and analysisGeoforge projectLGPLCross-platformJavaInterfaces with WorldWind
GeoCraft[50]Geophysical analysis and visualizationConocoPhillipsMITCross-platformJava
qiWorkBench[51]Geophysical interpretation and visualizationBHP Billiton PetroleumGPL, BSDCross-platformJava
Generic Mapping Tools[52]Map generation and analysisLamont-Doherty and University of HawaiiGPLCross-platformCImplemented in OpendTect
ParaViewGeo[53]Geoscience extension of ParaViewKitwareParaView, MIRARCOBSDCross-platformC++, PythonOriented towards mining
GI[54]Geophysical interpretation and visualizationUnclearCross-platformC++, QtAlpha version
FischerLab[55]Fischer Plots and Sequence StratigraphyAdewale Amosu & Yuefeng Sun, Texas A&M UniversityModified BSDCross-PlatformMatlabFree to use

Not true free and open-source projects[edit]

The following projects are not free and open-source. They have unknown licensing, licenses which place some restriction on use or redistribution, or depend on non-open-source software like MATLAB, and thus do not meet the Open Source Definition from the Open Source Initiative. (For example, the license may rule out use by certain people or for certain purposes, e.g., in a commercial context.) They are included here because they may be of interest for those in an academic environment or access to tools like MATLAB.

GeoFEST[56]Fault and terrain visualizationGreg Lyzenga & Jay Parker, Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnclearUnix, LinuxCHosted by Open Channel Foundation[57]
MSLT[58]Finite element stress-strain modelingPeggy Li & Herb Siegel, Jet Propulsion LaboratoryUnclearUnix, Linux, OS XC
GeoSeis[59]Processing seismic refraction dataMuhammed Celik, Kocaeli UniversityFreewareWindowsVisual BasicFully free after v. 1.3.8
MARE2DEM[60]2D Inversion of CSEM and MT DataKerry Key, Scripps Institution of OceanographyFreeware, GNU open sourceOS X, Linux, WindowsFortranFree to use, needs a valid MATLAB license to build models
GPRSoft Lite[61]GPR Data VisualizationGeoscanners ABFreewareWindowsGSF, DZT, RAD3, DT1, formats supported
GP Workbench[62]GPR processingUSGSUnclearWindowsC++SU format
Seismic Lab[63]Seismic processing toolboxMauricio Sacchi, University of AlbertaGPLCross-platformMATLABNeeds MATLAB
CREWES[64]Seismic processing toolboxGary Margrave, University of CalgaryCustom, free for non-commercial useCross-platformMATLABNeeds MATLAB
SegyMAT[65]Read and write SEG-Y filesThomas Mejer Hansen, Univ. of CopenhagenLGPLCross-platformMATLABNeeds MATLAB
IMAGE2SEGY[66]Image converterMarcel.lí Farran, Institut de Ciències del MarCreative CommonsCross-platformMATLABNeeds MATLAB & SegyMAT
SW3D[67]Seismic processingVlastislav Cerveny, Charles UniversityUnclear
rayinvr[68]2D traveltime inversionColin Zelt, Rice UniversityCustom, non-commercial use onlyUnix, LinuxFortran 77, C
fast[69]3D traveltime tomographyColin Zelt, Rice UniversityCustom, non-commercial use onlyUnix, LinuxFortran 77, C
passeis[70]Passive seismic analysisHaishan Zheng, University of SaskatchewanUnclearCross-platformMATLABNeeds MATLAB
seismon[71]Processing for earthquakesStefan MertlGPLCross-platformMATLABNeeds MATLAB
PyShottab[72]Processing for ocean-bottom seismicDalhousie UniversityUnclearCross-platformPythonWindows binary
IGeoS (formerly SIA)[73]Geophysical processing and analysisUniversity of SaskatchewanCustom, free for non-commercial useUnix, LinuxC++Interfaces with SU, GMT
Seizmo[74]Global seismic analysisGarrett Euler, Washington University in St. LouisUnclearCross-platformMATLABOctave-compatible
WheelerLab [75]Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis and Chronostratigraphic Analysis (Wheeler Diagrams)Adewale Amosu & Yuefeng Sun, Texas A&M UniversityModified BSDCross-PlatformMATLABNeeds Matlab and SegyMAT
Colorado school of mines tuition


SEG Software Repo[76]Open source codes that were made available together with published articles in the journal Geophysics by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists SEG.Various authorsSEG license and othersVariableVariableStatic repo. Maintained versions might be found on other places.
P233 Suite[77]Open source codes for EM data (1D, 2D, 3D) from 25 years of investigation by CSIRO, funded by AMIRA.CSIROPublic DomainCross-PlatformFortran
Markku Pirttijärvi[78]Free (but mostly not open-source) software by Markku Pirttijärvi; mostly EM, gravity and magnetic data.Markku PirttijärviFree to downloadWindowsFortranFree, not open source
Geoscience Australia’s

Airborne Electromagnetic Inversion Software[79]

Open source codes for inverting and forward modelling airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data:

GAFORWARDMODELTDEM - 1D forward modelling . GALEISBSTDEM - deterministic 1D sample by sample inversion. GARJMCMCTDEM - stochastic 1D sample by sample inversion

Geoscience Australia

Ross C. Brodie

Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution (BY). Free to downloadCross-PlatformC++,Some third party software dependencies. (Specified within).

Probably defunct projects[edit]

The following projects have seen very little activity for more than a year.

Colorado State University

openGPR[80]GPR processing and interpretationMats SchuhGPLLinuxPythonNo longer in active development
OpenICarreIntegrated interpretation systemIFP
MagIC-Py[81]Magnetic data processingPython
geoid[82]Geological mapping
ART[83]Ray tracing
Seismic Refraction Tomography[85]GPL


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  1. ^'Madagascar'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  2. ^'FreeUSP Download'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  3. ^'Data Dictionary System: Home'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  4. ^
  5. ^'CWP'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  6. ^'It works!'. Archived from the original on 2009-08-26. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  7. ^'Index of /Arco'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  8. ^'Home [Stanford Exploration Project]'.
  9. ^'GêBR Project'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  10. ^'CWP'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  11. ^'BotoSeis download'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  12. ^'CSIRO Petroleum and Geothermal research'. Retrieved 2018-02-01.
  13. ^'gsegyview download'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  14. ^'GPLIB++: GPLib++ documentation'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  15. ^'JavaSeis download'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  16. ^'kogeo - a free and open toolkit for 2d/3d seismic data analysis'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  17. ^'Dave Hale mines jtk'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  18. ^'JRG - Seismic Processing on Any Computer'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  19. ^James W. D. Hobro. 'Jive3D'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  20. ^'PySIT Seismic Imaging Toolbox for Python'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  21. ^S.Pavlukhin. 'ДМНГ – Программы'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  22. ^'GitHub - statoil/segyio: C and Python library for reading and writing SEG-Y files'. Retrieved 2017-04-26.
  23. ^'GitHub - sixty-north/segpy: A Python package for reading and writing SEG Y files'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  24. ^'Index of /~schwehr/software/seismic-py'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  25. ^'SeismiGraphix'.
  26. ^'Seismic processing system SIOSEIS'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  27. ^'SLIMpy: SLIMpy'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  28. ^
  29. ^'Home · obspy/obspy Wiki · GitHub'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  30. ^'PAMGuard Passive Acoustic Monitoring PAM Open Source Software - PAMGuard'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  31. ^'Broadband Platform - SCECpedia'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  32. ^'Geopsy home: software applications for ambient vibration techniques'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  33. ^'Seismic Handler'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  34. ^D Reymond. 'STK : Seismic ToolKit written with GTK+'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  35. ^'USC Seismology - TauP'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  36. ^'Home'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  37. ^'Devito'. Retrieved 2019-01-28.
  38. ^'Fatiando a Terra: modeling and inversion — fatiando 0.4 documentation'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  39. ^'Google Project Hosting'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  40. ^SimPEG developers. 'SimPEG'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  41. ^'— GIMLi - Geophysical Inversion and Modelling Library'. Retrieved 2017-06-02.
  42. ^Newman, Steven Constable, Kerry Key, Robert. 'Scripps Institution of Oceanography Marine EM Laboratory Research Occam 1D CSEM and MT Inversion'. Retrieved 2017-06-02.
  43. ^Newman, Steven Constable, Kerry Key, Robert. 'Scripps Institution of Oceanography Marine EM Laboratory Research Occam 2D MT Inversion'. Retrieved 2017-06-02.
  44. ^'empymod'. Retrieved 2017-06-02.
  45. ^'extrEMe'. Retrieved 2017-12-26.
  46. ^'GIEM2G'. Retrieved 2017-12-26.
  47. ^'gprMax'. Retrieved 2018-01-29.
  48. ^'OpendTect - Free Open-source Seismic Interpretation Software System'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  49. ^'GeoTriple - Oil&Gas Exploration - About'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  50. ^'GeoCraft Github repository'. Retrieved 2016-08-31.
  51. ^
  52. ^'Wiki - GMT - GMT — The Generic Mapping Tools'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  53. ^'Acfas-Sudbury'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  54. ^'GI download'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  55. ^'View PDF'. Retrieved 2017-12-02.
  56. ^'GeoFEST'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  57. ^'Open Channel Foundation: Welcome'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  58. ^'Open Channel Foundation: MSLT'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  59. ^'GeoSeis - Ana Sayfa'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  60. ^'MARE2DEM Modeling with Adaptively Refined Elements for 2D Electromagnetics'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  61. ^'GPRSoft – Post-Processing GPR Software'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  62. ^'USGS Open-File Report 2006-1365: GP Workbench Manual: Technical Manual, User's Guide, and Software Guide'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  63. ^'Signal Analysis and Imaging Group - SeismicLab - Matlab Scripts for Seismic Data Processing'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  64. ^'CREWES Matlab Toolbox'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  65. ^'SegyMAT : A Matlab and Octave toolbox for reading and writing SEG-Y formatted files'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  66. ^'IMAGE2SEGY'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  67. ^'SW3D'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  68. ^'RAYINVR'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  69. ^'FAST'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  70. ^
  71. ^
  72. ^
  73. ^'IGeoS (formerly SIA) geophysical and seismic processing and data analysis'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  74. ^'Project SEIZMO - A Matlab & Octave Toolbox for Earthquake Seismology'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  75. ^Amosu, Adewale; Sun, Yuefeng (2017). 'WheelerLab: An interactive program for sequence stratigraphic analysis of seismic sections, outcrops and well sections and the generation of chronostratigraphic sections and dynamic chronostratigraphic sections'. SoftwareX. 6: 19–24. Bibcode:2017SoftX..6..19A. doi:10.1016/j.softx.2016.12.003.
  76. ^''. Retrieved 2017-12-04.
  77. ^'P233 Suite'. Retrieved 2017-12-04.
  78. ^'Markku Pirttijärvi'. Retrieved 2017-12-04.
  79. ^'GALEI'. Retrieved 2018-03-14.
  80. ^'openGPR'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  81. ^'MagIC-Py download'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  82. ^'Geoid download'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  83. ^'Project ART at'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  84. ^'GeoPhysical Calculation Plus Plus download'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.
  85. ^'Seismic Refraction Tomography download'. Retrieved 2016-06-13.

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CBS created The Search, an educational series produced by the Public Affairs Department, in the 1950s to share scientific research with viewers in an easy-to-understand manner. The 26-episode series aired over 1954 and 1955. This episode, “Colorado School of Mines: Uranium Prospecting and Mining, Golden Colorado,” is hosted by Charles Romine and shows all the phases of the uranium rush happening on the Colorado Plateau. The film begins with footage of atomic bombs detonating (00:50; 01:08) as Romine narrates the incredible power of atomic energy that can be used for destruction or for helping human life. The key to atomic power is uranium, and Romine (01:47) takes viewers on a tour of mining uranium on the Colorado Plateau. Romine visits with Professor Paul Keating, a pioneer in uranium fields, who explains the geology of uranium and some of its early uses by the Ute and Navajo Indians. Next, Romine meets with prospectors to learn about the early stages of mining. He speaks with a prospector who owns a mine on Davis Mesa (04:28); the prospector explains how to stake a claim (05:19). Romine then goes to the Montrose County courthouse (05:48) where he learns how to file a claim for mining. Afterward, Romine visits with a successful miner in Grand Junction (07:49) and learns how to start a mine, including financing one. One way to finance is through selling stock; the film shows the Salt Lake Stock Exchange (11:26) where people are speculating on stocks. Romine travels to the Colorado School of Mines (12:19) to learn about the university’s Prospector Service, observing the samples sent in to the lab (12:46). The lab identifies what the minerals or metals are in the samples, but also allays the samples, determining the amount of mineral or metal, using instruments such as the Geiger counter (13:33). A lab technician explains how a Geiger counter works (14:54). Next, Romine observes an exploration operation, watching mining equipment in action (16:48) and going on an aerial survey (18:44) to locate likely uranium deposits. Once a site is located, the operation builds roads (19:42) into the sides of the mesas and create a functional camp on top (20:06) with their own testing laboratory (20:32). Once the exploration operation determines that the mine has commercial-grade uranium, large-scale mining operations commence, such as the U.S. Uranium Corporation in Paradox Valley (21:10). The episode concludes with Romine and Keating discussing mining uranium and the future of uranium.
We encourage viewers to add comments and, especially, to provide additional information about our videos by adding a comment! See something interesting? Tell people what it is and what they can see by writing something for example: '01:00:12:00 -- President Roosevelt is seen meeting with Winston Churchill at the Quebec Conference.'
This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD, 2k and 4k. For more information visit