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It attempts to integrate all of the development tools that you might need into one single place. There is a Community Edition that is available for a free download. Javascript is a programming language that allows you to add interactivity to websites. It can be used to create interactive effects on web pages. Angular is a front end javascript framework that allows you to rapidly develop robust, single page web applications. In this course you'll learn the.

Angular Basics
Angular is a front end javascript framework that allows you to rapidly develop robust, single page web applications. In this course you'll learn the basics of how to get an Angular application set up and running. Additionally, you'll get a strong conceptual overview and foundation in Angular. You'll be able to use the knowledge gained from this course to start your own applications or to easily jump in on existing large scale applications.
What you'll learn:
- Angular Application Structure - MVC without saying MVC
- Templates/Views
- Directives
- Scope
- Controllers
- Basic built-ins
- ng-repeat
- ng-show
- ng-hide
- ng-click
- Requesting data with $http
Using npm as a Task Runner
There are other popular javascript task runners out there, like Grunt and gulp but you may not need it.
Express Basics
Express is a 'Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.' In this course you'll learn how to build an Express site from scratch!
How to Create and Distribute an npm Package
In this Workshop we'll sign up for npm, login in the command line, prepare our package, test our package and distribute it so thousands of other developers can use our code in their projects.
npm Basics
npm is a command line tool to help you manage Node.js modules and this course will get you up and running with npm.
What you'll learn
- Understand what npm is
- Finding modules
- Installing modules
- Updating modules
- Uninstalling modules
Getting Started with TypeScript
Andrew Chalkley shows you how to get up and running with TypeScript, an enhanced version of JavsScript that provides static typing, classes and interfaces. TypeScript compiles to regular javascript code so you can write TypeScript code that works in every common javascript environment such as browsers and Node.js.
Using Gulp's 'gulp-useref' For a Full Build Pipeline
One of the most challenging things to do when building your application for production, is to manage the names to static files, and their references in HTML or javascript. ‘gulp-useref allows you to rename files on the fly in your HTML, so that the paths match up with the files that have been built.
It is STRONGLY recommended that you've taken the Gulp full course or are very familiar with Gulp before taking this workshop.
Object-Oriented javascript
Objects in javascript are everywhere. Whether you know it or not, you've been using them already. You can use the document object to find HTML elements and modify their contents. You've been using the console to log out values. However, you can make your own objects to organize your own code and do some awesome things. In this course we'll build a couple of projects to get a handle on creating your own objects.
What you'll learn
- Create your own objects with methods
- Use constructors
- Creating prototypes
- Use prototypal inheritance
Deploy your App to GitHub Pages with Gulp
Deploying applications can be a hassle. In some cases, building an app is like 50% of the work and then deploying it is the other 50%!
But, for simple sites, it really shouldn't be this way.
Gulp + GitHubpages =
In this workshop, you'll learn how to use gulp for push button releases of your static site to GitHub pages!
Gulp Basics
Gulp.js is a javascript taskrunner that allows you to automate important aspects of your development workflow. With Gulp you can do things like minify and concatenate javascript, compile Sass to css, and loads of other common tasks. Additionally, Gulp comes with a built in development server making it a complete, end to end workflow automation tool for development and deployment. In this course, you'll learn how to do all of this!
What you'll learn
- Building Sass files with Gulp
- Building and optimizing javascript files with Gulp
- Creating a development task runner to make writing code easier
- Creating a production task runner to build files for a production application
The Module Pattern in javascript
Have you ever wondered how some of those huge javascript projects out there are getting built? This is done using 'Module Patterns'
The awesome news for you is that by learning a couple of these patterns, you can make your apps easier to build and to maintain!
Understanding 'this' in javascript
javascript gives you, the developer, access to an extremely powerful keyword - 'this'. 'this' can be used to access data contextually, allowing your functions and methods to access the data that they need based on a specific context.
'this' is awesome, but it's also very confusing! In this workshop, we'll go over 3 of the 4 main ways 'this' can be used, and hopefully demystify it's usage.
javascript Booleans
Logic is an incredibly important part of programming. Typically languages will have a 'boolean' data type with two values, 'true' or 'false'. In javascript, some of the behaviors that produce 'truthiness' and 'falsiness' can be confusing. In this workshop, you will be steeped in all of the different ways javascript takes into account booleans.
Using the Geolocation API in javascript
Smart devices with GPS common place in todays world. With that being true we can start tapping in to that information to make exciting applications. Developers can get a user's location by using a Geolocation API. In this Workshop, Andrew shows you not only how to find a location but handle all the other gotchas and errors that can occur.
Using jQuery Plugins
jQuery plugins let you add interactive page effects, engaging user interfaces, and eye grabbing additions to your web pages. In this course, you'll learn how to find and use these free and easy to use programs that take advantage of the power of jQuery.
What you'll learn
- What are jQuery Plugins
- How to Find jQuery Plugins
- How to use jQuery Plugins
- Using the sticknav.js plugin
- Adding a carousel slideshow to a page
The javascript 'use strict' Statement
This workshop is all about javascript's 'use strict' statement.
Recently you may have seen a curious little string 'use strict'; appearing at the top of javascript files and within functions. This little statement causes the javascript interpreter to run in a strict variant. It can introduce a lot of breaking changes to your code, but in this workshop we'll check out why this is a good thing!
Build a Simple Dynamic Site with Node.js
Node.js is a versatile platform for building all sorts of applications. In this course, we're going to make a dynamic website that displays a Treehouse student's profile information by creating a server that will dynamically generate content, handle URLs, read from files and build a simple template engine.
What you'll learn
- Creating an HTTP Server
- Reading Files
- Handling HTTP Methods
- Customizing HTTP Headers
D3.js is one of the most exciting new front end web technologies, that allows developers to create data visualizations. This course is designed to give students an in depth look into the core functionalities and concepts that D3.js uses, as well as a high level tour of the potential with D3. Because D3 uses so many other technologies, this course will also touch on SVG.
What you'll learn
- Selections
- SVGs
- Data Binding
- Styling with D3
- Scaling with D3
- Interactive Visualizations
javascript Loops, Arrays and Objects
Storing, tracking and handling data is a large part of computer programming. Arrays provide a method for storing multiple values into a single variable. That makes an array a convenient way to pass around a list of items. In this course, you'll learn how to create arrays and uses loops to access their contents. You'll also learn some advanced methods that make working with arrays easier.
What you'll learn
- Loops
- Arrays
- Objects
- DRY Programming
Node.js Basics
In this course we will create a command line application to retrieve user's profile information from the Treehouse website. We'll be writing our application in javascript to run on the Node.js platform. Torrent
What you'll learn
- Write command line applications in Node.js
- Talk to an API with Node.js
- Organize your code with modules
- Deal with streams
- Handle with errors
As web applications gain increasingly rich and complex user interfaces, a new breed of tools called 'client-side MVCs' have emerged to help developers be more productive and build these user interfaces more easily. Ember.js strives to be the best choice for these 'ambitious' web applications by providing a framework that eliminates boilerplate, enforces good code organization, and provides tools for common practices. In this course, we'll start by looking at some sites built with Ember.js and learning the principles that underly the framework. Next, we'll examine each major area of Ember.js one at a time: templates, controllers, and models. Finally, we'll connect our Ember.js app to a backend web server, and explore some of the more advanced tools Ember offers. As we go, we'll build a blogging application together.
What you'll learn
- Routes and Templates
- Controllers
- Models
- Data
Treehouse Club - MASH
Predict your future with a fun game that will integrate your knowledge of HTML, CSS, and javascript. You'll begin by going over the basics of Workspaces and HTML. Then you'll learn how to begin making forms with submit buttons. Next you'll make it look good with CSS and lastly you'll learn how javascript makes it all work together. The code works from the start so it's up to you to mash it up and make it your own!
What you'll learn

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- javascript
javascript Basics
javascript is a programming language that drives the web: from front-end user interface design, to backend server-side programming, you'll find javascript at every stage of a web site and web application. In this course, you'll learn the fundamental programming concepts and syntax of the javascript programming language.
What you'll learn
- What javascript is and where it is used
- Basic programming concepts like variables, data types and conditional statements
- What functions are and why they're useful
- How to troubleshoot programming problems
- The basic syntax of the javascript programming language
Treehouse Club: javascript
In the Car Sounds project, you learn how to edit pre-written HTML, CSS, and javascript code to add functionality to a web page. Some features you will use are buttons, audio tags, and javascript events.
What you'll learn
- javascript Basics
- Buttons
- Audio Tags
Interactive Web Pages with javascript
In this course we'll create a to-do list application using javascript alone, without using any third party libraries. You'll get to grips with manipulating and traversing the DOM and adding event handlers to web page elements. The things that you can do with javascript are always increasing and this course will give you a solid footing going forward.
AJAX Basics
AJAX is an important front-end web technology that lets javascript communicate with a web server. It lets you load new content without leaving the current page, creating a better, faster experience for your web site's visitors. In this course, you'll learn how AJAX works and how you can use javascript to communicate with a web server. We'll use plain javascript as well as jQuery to create AJAX requests and use the response to dynamically update your web pages. Along the way, you'll build mini-projects to reinforce your learning. We wrap up the course with a small project, showing you how to apply what you've learned to pull images from Flickr and display them on your web site.
What you'll learn
- AJAX Concepts
- How to use javascript to make AJAX requests
- How to use jQuery to make AJAX requests
- How to process JSON with jQuery and javascript
- How to use a 3rd party API with AJAX and jQuery
jQuery UK 2014
The UK's largest front-end developer conference
jQuery Basics
jQuery Basics covers why you'd want to use jQuery, what it is and how to include it in your projects. You'll build several projects over the course to give you the confidence to integrate jQuery in your own projects and add that level of flair and interactivity to any site you work on.
Build a Mobile Web App Using jQuery Mobile & AJAX - Part 2
Learn to access a third party weather API using AJAX. Understand the drawbacks of cross-site scripting (XSS) and see how to work around it using JSONP (JSON with padding)
Build a Mobile Web App Using jQuery Mobile & AJAX - Part 1
Build a simple weather app called GOOD Weather using jQuery Mobile. Find out the strengths of jQuery Mobile and how to use some of its components. Learn about data roles, themes and page layout.
Programming Step-by-Step: Object-Oriented javascript (Part 2)

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After you learn the basic building blocks of a programming language, there's still a lot to learn about when to use each one and how to make them all work together. In this workshop, Randy will walk you step-by-step through solving a programming problem. You'll get to listen in on discussions between Treehouse teachers, gaining insight into how programmers think and work. In Part 2, Randy and Andrew discuss the solution to the problem at a high level, and then Randy uses the robot and maze model to hammer out the details of the algorithm. You'll discover ways to improve your own workflow and code - whatever language you're working in.
Programming Step-by-Step: Object-Oriented javascript (Part 1)
After you learn the basic building blocks of a programming language, there's still a lot to learn about when to use each one and how to make them all work together. In this workshop, Randy will walk you step-by-step through solving a programming problem. You'll get to listen in on discussions between Treehouse teachers, gaining insight into how programmers think and work. In Part 1, Randy and Ben explore the objects, methods, and properties required to solve the problem, and Randy writes object-oriented javascript code to represent those objects. You'll discover ways to improve your own workflow and code - whatever language you're working in.
Building with AngularJS and APIs
AngularJS is a javascript framework great for building interactive and single-page web apps. AngularJS differs from other frameworks in that it uses data-binding to update your content automatically any time information changes. It also takes a declarative approach to design, so you will write more HTML and less javascript to build your app.

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Creating a jQuery Plugin
In this workshop Andrew answers jQuery and javascript questions from our members, and also walks through the process of creating a jQuery plugin.
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